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B/O/963/02/2020 (EN)Checking and record-keeping of study obligations and the use of UCT credit book starting from the academic year 2020/2107.09.2020
A/V/961/11/2023 (EN)Organization of the Academic Year 2023/202411.09.202308.11.2024
A/V/961/15/2023 (EN)Manner of and Deadlines for Submission of Documents for Annual Assessment and Report on Results of Scientific and Professional Activities of DSP Students30.06.2023
A/V/961/12/2023 (EN)Granting of Scholarship 2023/202411.09.202308.09.2024
A/V/961/4/2024 (EN)Determination of amount of basic doctoral scholarship and doctoral scholarship for pedagogical activities for the year 202401.01.202431.12.2024
A/V/961/6/2024 (EN)Amounts of Fees Related to Study for the Academic Year 2024/202509.09.202407.09.2025
A/V/961/7/2023 (EN)Amounts of Fees Related to Study for the Academic Year 2023/202411.09.202318.09.2024
A/S/961/7/2019 (EN)Study abroad rules for students of UCT Prague01.10.2019
A/S/961/2/2018 (EN)Rules for submitting and publishing dissertation theses at UCT Prague01.02.2018
A/S/961/9/2019 (EN)Rules for entering fees for extended term of study and procedure for appeal against decision on charging a fee01.12.2019
A/S/961/6/2021 (EN)Qualification Theses and Execution of State Final Examinations in Bachelor and Master Study Programmes06.09.2021
A/S/961/13/2018 (EN)Protection and Application of Intellectual Property Rights at UCT Prague05.11.2018
A/S/961/4/2022 [EN]Framework rules for the accommodation of foreign students and employees in the dormitories of the University of the UCT Prague03.10.2022
A/S/961/6/2018 (EN)Defence and storage of theses with deferred publishing01.10.2018
A/N/961/1/2018 (EN)Rules for the use of computers and computer network at the UCT Prague 01.03.2018
Study Conditions for Foreigners Studying at the UCT11.09.2017
Study and Examination Rules of the UCT15.06.2022
Scholarship Rules of the UCT11.06.2017
Rules of Lifelong Learning at UCT Prague18.09.2017
Requirements of doctoral study boards for filling of ISP (how many subjects for each module)11.09.2023
Personal Information Policy (Consent to the use of personal data)
Housing at UCT Prague01.11.2022
Graduation and alumni
Freshman guide to UCT Prague
Exit clearance form (BA & MA)12.05.2023
Czech Survival Guide
Conditions of Admission to Study and Admission Proceedings at the UCT11.09.2017
Code of Discipline for Students of the UCT22.05.2017


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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